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Alanis morissette now

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She credits aromatherapy, yoga and meditation as ingredients that have helped her overcome her eating disorders.īut launching last year’s single, Reasons I Drink, Morissette admitted her biggest enduring vices: “Work addiction, love addiction and food addiction.” Whereas with food, you have to eat, so how can one go from, in my case, bingeing and purging, starving, overeating, the scale going up and down? How can I go from that to a ‘sober’ approach?” “We know with alcohol, you just don’t drink it and don’t go into a bar. “The big question for me around eating-disorder recovery is: What is sobriety with food?” she says.

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“Disappointment, sadness and pain hit me hard, and I tried to numb those feelings through my relationship with food.” Recovery was a decades-long process

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“I was a young woman in the public eye, on the receiving end of a lot of attention, and I was trying to protect myself from men who were using their power in ways I was too young to know how to handle. “As a teen, I was both anorexic and bulimic,” she revealed. Morissette has confessed her ongoing battle with eating disorders. It also gives fresh meaning to the outrage-filled words in her powerful hit song, All I Really Want: Slap me with a splintered ruler/And it would knock me to the floor if I wasn’t there already/If only I could hunt the hunter/And all I really want is some patience/A way to calm the angry voice/And all I really want is deliverance. Her revelation goes some way to explaining her teen years and 20s spent battling depression and eating disorders. “I did tell a few people, and it kind of fell on deaf ears,” says the singer. But she was abused by older men in the notoriously exploitative music industry, clearly inflicting lasting psychological damage.

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The Catholic-raised daughter of two teachers from Ottawa, Ontario, Morissette was a talented child singer and pianist who starred on Canadian stage and TV at 11, and recorded her first song at 15. You’re not consenting at 15.’ Now I’m like, ‘Oh yeah, they’re all paedophiles. “I would always say I was consenting, and then I’d be reminded, like, ‘Hey, you were 15.

Alanis morissette now